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Achema 2015: what a big success!

On 19th June the international exhibition for the chemical industry ACHEMA 2015 ended now it’s time to sum up the results of our participation. We decided to present a sample of each pump type so that the visitors of our stand could have an idea of our manufacturing capability: from the sealless magnetic drive pumps (centrifugal, vane  and turbine pumps in plastic and metallic materials) to the mechanical seal pumps and vertical centrifugal pumps. Needless to say that the extremely positive feedback and the enthusiasm shown by customers and potential customers for our pump was more than what we expected.
Our Managing Director Mr Enrico Gemme after the exhibition commented: “Achema 2015 has been a huge and unexpected success. We got many new contacts interested in our pumps and we truly believe that in the next months we would be able to expand our business in new countries making GemmeCotti a leader worldwide in the field of chemical pumps”.

achema 2015 - gemmecotti

gemmecotti at achema

GemmeCotti pumps at Achema2015

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Live from Achema 2015, GemmeCotti stand

The international exhibition for chemical engineering and process industries ACHEMA 2015 in Frankfurt has just started and our personnel is ready to meet you at our stand HALL 9.0 B58. You can see the complete range of pumps and have the chance to talk to the General Manager to find out the best pumping solutions for your applications.

gemmecotti at achema

gemmecotti stand

stand achema gemmecottiachema 2015 - gemmecotti


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We are waiting for you at Achema 2015!

Don’t miss the chance to visit our stand HALL 9.0 STAND B58 at ACHEMA 2015!

This important international exhibition for chemical engineering and process industries will take place from 15th to 19th June 2015 in Frankfurt (Germany). Meet us there and you will have the chance to see the entire chemical pump production and to find out more about our new products such as for example centrifugal mag drive pumps series HCM with capacity up to 130 m3/h, mag drive vane pumps model HTP designed for high differential pressure and very low temperatures and portable pump model H-IBC suitable to unload tank trucks IBC containers.

Mag drive centrifugal pumps series HCM are made of thermoplastic materials (PP or PVDF) and are highly resistant to chemicals, pressure and temperatures thanks to the strong structure of the pump head which is machined from a solid block.

Mag drive vane pump series HTP are  made of stainless steel AISI316 and are suitable to pump hydrocarbons, cryogenics, radioactive liquids and other chemicals. The mag drive design allows a safe work without risks of leakage and emissions.

Portable pump series H-IBC is a mag drive centrifugal pump in plastic which is place in a structure that you can move easily.

Visit our website for more information!

Mag drive centrifugal pumps series HCM GemmeCottiMag drive centrifugal pump HCM


portable pump for IBC container

Portable pump H-IBC


rotary vane pumps model HTP

Mag drive vane pump HTP

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Will you visit Expo? Contact us!

2015 is a very important year for us since the city of Milano, which lies few kilometers south of our factory, will host the Universal Exhibition EXPO MILANO 2015. From 1st May to 31st October the city will become the global showcase where participants from all over the world will exchange ideas and solutions on the main theme of the exhibition: FOOD.
GemmeCotti wants to offer the unique chance to meet us at our factory in Ceriano Laghetto and to get to know better our pumps while you are in the area to visit Expo. We can help you during your stay, supporting you with transportation and hotel reservations. Contact us at least two weeks before your trip to Italy and we will be glad to organize a meeting with you and to welcome you at our factory.
Click here if you want to find out more about EXPO 2015!

expo 2015

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GemmeCotti year 2014, a year full of novelties

Another year has almost passed and it’s time again to sum up all the novelties and developments that we faced in 2014:

January: development of new mag drive centrifugal pump model HCM with casing machined from a solid block. The biggest pump of the series can reach 130 m3/h.

February: Mr Marino Cotti, one of GemmeCotti’s shareholders, after 22 years with the company sells his shares to Mr Enrico Gemme and leaves Italy to start a new business adventure abroad.

March: GemmeCotti starts a contest for students of graphic design schools with the purpose of updating the company logo. Istituto Professionale Albe Steiner of Turin accepts the proposal and two students win the prize for the best logos. Click here to know more.

April: the new video with our company presentation is online, click here and enjoy!

May: we hire Ms Eleonora, a new sales agent who will support Italian customers.

June: renewal of our ISO 9001:2008 certificate after a periodical audit performed by a TUV Sud lead auditor.

July: two video tutorials of how to assemble and disassemble GemmeCotti centrifugal mag drive pumps are online, click here and here to watch them.

August: Special offer for air-operated double diaphragm pumps model HAOD, promotional prices of sizes 1/2″ and 1″ in PP and PVDF.

September: we exhibit at Expoquimia 2014 in Barcelona with our Spanish distributor Bombas Torres.

October: production of vertical seal-less mag drive pumps series HTM-V which can be used for tank and sump applications without risk of leakage and emissions thanks to the hermetic design.

November: we hire Nicolò and Giacomo, newly-graduated engineers who will assist the Technical department in the development of new pumps.

December: the newly-hired engineers begin to prepare 3D drawings of all our pumps. We plan to finish all the drawings by the end of next year.

We have many more projects to develop in 2015, so follow us for many more news.

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GemmeCotti at Expoquimia 2014, our fair experience

Last month we exhibited at Expoquimia 2014 in Barcelona, Spain and we had the chance to show our complete pump production including the new mag drive centrifugal pump model HCM PP/PVDF machined from a solid block and the portable mag drive centrifugal pump model H-IBC.
We were particularly pleased with our time at the fair because we discussed with customers and potential customers about new ideas for GemmeCotti pump development.
We want to thank, in particular, our Spanish distributor Bombas Torres who shared the stand with us and supported us during the entire exhibition.

stand Expoquimia 2014


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New GemmeCotti logo: contest results

A logo is the sign that distinguishes a company from its beginning. Through the lines, font and colors it transmits the essence of a brand over the years. But with time, a company undergoes inevitable transformations: the products develop, the employees change, the market widens and differs and consequently, the logo may not reflect fully the company development any more. That’s why some months ago we announced a contest for students of graphic design schools with the purpose of updating the company logo.

Istituto Professionale Albe Steiner of Turin gladly accepted our proposal and their students have sent us their projects for: Corporate logo, Business card, Letterhead, Products catalogue, Company website.

These are the participants of the contest:


After a careful analysis of their works we have decided to give the prize to both: ALESSIO D’ALTILIA and FEDERICA CARBONE

We have chosen Alessio because he succeeded in updating the logo, while maintaining its structure and style.


Federica, on the contrary, gave a modern touch with a font and use of colors that, according to us, well represents the idea of change that we would like to show.

We thank all the students who took part in our competition. Their projects were wonderful and gave us the opportunity to evaluate different styles. We are going to organize a meeting at the school in the near future to give the prizes to the winners and to meet personally all these talented students.

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Our 2013 month by month

The year is almost over and we think it’s time to sum it all up just to have a clear idea of all the novelties, improvements and development that GemmeCotti has faced during 2013.

January: Plastic mag drive vane pumps series HPP/HPF are available in three more sizes (600-800-1000) which can reach a maximum capacity of 1000 l/h and a pressure of 5 bar. Visit HPP/HPF website page 

February: Our customers welcome gladly the new baseplates designed to allow a perfectly horizontal installation of the pump in the plant. The baseplates available in different dimensions are suitable  for motors up to size 112.

March: GemmeCotti introduces the new series of mag drive centrifugal pumps machined from a solid block mod. HCM. These pumps have a capacity up to 130 m3/h and a maximum head of 48m. Visit HCM website page.

pumps with baseplates GemmeCottiApril: Mag drive centrifugal pumps mod. HTM PP/PVDF can be supplied with hydraulic motor. With this solution it’s possible to unload chemicals from trucks that don’t have electric box or compressed air available simply using the hydraulic power station of the truck.

May: GemmeCotti hires Stefano, a newly-graduated engineer whose task is to assist the Technical department Manager to design new pumps.

June: Renewal of our ISO 9001 certificate after a periodical audit performed by a TUV SUD lead auditor. Click here to see our up-to-date certificate.

July: All the employees attend a course about health and safety at work because GemmeCotti wants to ensure that they are protected from harm in the workplace.

August: New GemmeCotti website is online with many news, technical documents, full description of all the pumps and much more. Click here to visit the website.

September: The marketing department publishes regularly articles on the GemmeCotti blog regarding GemmeCotti world and events and also about technical aspects and pump designing/manufacturing process.

October: Improvement of our bench test so that in the future it will be possible to test pumps with higher and higher performances and motor powers.

GemmeCotti warehouse

GemmeCotti warehouse

November: GemmeCotti installs 6-meter-high shelving in the new warehouse build to widen the workshop.

December: GemmeCotti pumps are exhibited during ChemShow exhibition in New York from 10th to 12th December at the booth of the American company iTech Pumps& Fans.


It’s obviously been a year full events for us and we are already developing new projects for 2014!

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Pumps ready on stock? A bigger warehouse is our solution

More and more often our customers want high quality pumps delivered in the shortest possible time and to meet these requirements we have recently improved our logistic system and bought a new 500 m2 warehouse where in November 2013 we installed 6-meter-high shelvings.
Thanks to this additional space we can keep even more spare parts and complete pumps on stock so that our customers will receive an immediate reply and won’t have to wait unnecessarily long time to have the ordered goods.
The current delivery time of our standard pumps are:

Mag-drive centrifugal pumps in plastic HTM PP/PVDF: 3-4 working days

GemmeCotti shelvings

GemmeCotti shelvings

Mag-drive turbine pumps in plastic mod. HTT: 3-4 working days
Mag-drive centrifugal pumps in AISI316 HTM SS: 1-2 weeks
Mechanical seal centrifugal pumps mod. HCO: 1-2 weeks
Mag drive vane pumps in AISI 316 mod. HTP: 1-2 weeks
Mag drive turbine pumps in AISI316 mod. HTA: 1-2 weeks
Vertical pumps HV /HVL PP: 1-2 weeks

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Our New website is online!

We are really excited to announce the launch of our new GemmeCotti website designed with a fresh and innovate look, user-friendly navigation and up-to-date contents. There are many improvements that will help users to find the information they are looking for. The main new features are:

  1. Immediate and easy access to the complete range of pumps. In the home page users can see the photos and a brief description of each kind of pumps supplied by GemmeCotti and with a simple click it’s possible to have a look at the pumps available for each category.
  2. Up-to-date news about our company and our pumps for acids available directly from the home page.
  3. Direct links to our social networks. GemmeCotti is active on different social media such as for example Google+ and LinkedIn (with a company page and a company group) where we often publish news, photos, discussions and technical information. Moreover we have a new blog full of different articles regarding GemmeCotti world and events, technical aspects about pumps for acids and pump designing/manufacturing process.
  4. Users can subscribe to our periodical newsletter where we share news about products, services, events, marketing activities and special offers. A useful way to be always up-to-date about GemmeCotti world through a simple home page
  5. Detailed technical description for each pump  with all the features and technical data. Users can also download the product specific catalogues, the technical drawings and the use and maintenance manual.pump description
  6. Download page with all the pump catalogues page
  7. For those interested in receiving a quotation for our pumps or spare parts there is a form to fill in  suitable to send enquiries.
  8. Full company presentation with details about our services, our mission and values.
  9. For a first selection of the pump material, users can find a chemical compatibility chart with the main liquids that can be pumped and the standard materials used in GemmeCotti pumps. chemical compatibility chartWe hope you enjoy our new website and we wish you a great visit!
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