Our Cooking Contest ended few days ago and it’s finally time to announce the winner! We received a lot of recipes and we would like to take this opportunity to thank once again everyone who participated in our contest sending us their own favorite recipes.
GemmeCotti team has already voted and now it’s time to know who will win amazing prizes.
We remind you that person who obtained the first place wins a wonderful kitchen apron with GemmeCotti logo and will see his/her recipe published at the bottom of this article, on our social media pages and on our newsletter. Also the second and the third-best will be awarded with the apron, and they will appear together in a narrower space on our newsletter and social media pages.
But, given the great amount of recipes we received, we decided to award with the GemmeCotti apron also the fourth and the fifth- best recipes that gained very high scores by our team for their originality, delicacy and taste. We also decided to award with a special prize the recipe with the best look.
So here are names of the winners of the different categories:
1° PLACE: Little puff pastry roses – Alessandra P.
2° PLACE: Cheesecake – Martina A.
3° PLACE: Focaccia – Chiara C.
4° PLACE: Layered wonton dessert – Mia S.
5° PLACE: Pfannkuchen – Ulrike N.
SPECIAL PRIZE FOR DESIGN/LOOK: Gingerbread house – Chiara Z.
And here there is the recipe of the first-best recipe who conquered GemmeCotti team for the easiness of the realization and good look:
Little puff pastry roses by Alessandra P.
Ingredients for 6 people (one each person):
•90g of cheese
•1 pack ready-rolled puff pastry
•1 pack Italian smoked ham “speck”
•Preheat the oven to 180°C.
•Cut the puff pastry in stripes of about 5 cm.
•Lay a slice of speck on every puff pastry stripe.
•Lay 3 or 4 thin slices of cheese distributed on every speck slice.
•Flip the edge of the puff pastry at the bottom to obtain a border.
•Roll up every stripe as to form a little rose.
•Lay the puff pastry rose in fluted paper baking cups (like the ones you use for cupcakes) and position them in a cupcake baking tray.
•Put into the oven for about 30 minutes @ 170°C
•Serve in the paper baking cups.
And…Buon appetito!