When you had been working for several years in a particular job role, it can be difficult to be as dynamic and curious as the beginning. The job activity changes in time and the employees need to be up-to-date regarding their own working environment. That’s why many companies around the world decide to give its employees some training opportunities, like for example the Executive Masters.
GemmeCotti decided to give her Italian Sales Manager Eleonora P. this opportunity. She started her 9-month long master in Sales Management at the Business School of “Il Sole24 Ore”, a very important Italian organization leader in economic, financial and regulatory information based in Milan.
During the courses Eleonora had the chance to learn new things and deepen her competences in the commercial field thanks to the experienced teachers, the interesting entrepreneurs’ speeches and the debates with her “classmates”.Eleonora master degree

“The course was very interesting and formative.” says Eleonora “Above all I appreciated how the master improved my way of working by changing my point of view on the daily tasks. I understood how people work in different business and sharing our experiences really opened my mind. I’d like to thank all the teachers, the organizers, my colleagues and above all GemmeCotti that gave me this fantastic opportunity”.

For GemmeCotti the employees’ training is very important and that’s why we are organizing other professional courses for our team. Every person will have the chance to improve his/her own skills thanks to specific trainings concerning the employee’s role. We believe that this kind of initiative is fundamental for the growth of our business.