Some of you maybe remember that last year Mr Cotti, one of the founders of GemmeCotti pumps, decided to change completely his life and move to Thailand to start a new adventure. Recently our Marketing Manager Ms Cristina Castelli went to Phuket to meet him and to know more about his new adventure.
“So Marino, hello! How are you? It’s good to see you again!”
“Hello to you and welcome to Marino’s pizza. I’m really good, I love living here in Thailand! It’s always hot, the beaches are amazing and the people are really nice and welcoming.”
“You went from selling chemical pumps in Italy to a Pizza restaurant in Thailand, why this radical choice?”
“I’ve always wanted to cook and open a restaurant. Last year I realized it was the right time to begin this new challenge and move to Thailand where I spent beautiful years during my youth. Some months ago I opened Marino’s Pizza as a take away restaurant where I offer many kind of pizzas, jam tarts and butter cookies. I also have a typical Thai saleng that I use for catering during birthday parties and many other events.”
“Marino, that’s great! And the pizza that I’ve just tasted is very good.”
“All the ingredients come directly from Italy. I wanted to bring some of the Italian taste here in Thailand. I have to say that it’s really appreciated. If you want I can also give you some of my recipes for GemmeCotti’s newsletters!
“Thank you for the offer Marino and for the hospitality at Marino’s pizza. I wish you good luck for your new life and I hope to see you again soon, here in Thailand or in Italy.”
“Thanks to you for coming here. I miss everybody at GemmeCotti and I hope to meet all the others very soon.”